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Crystal palace

      Our safeguarding mission is to provide a safe, positive and enjoyable environment for all involved with Crystal Palace Football Club. We will work together to empower and protect individuals, listen and respond to their needs to ensure safeguarding is embedded throughout the club.

      Crystal Palace Football Club are firmly committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all individuals we come into contact with. It is a fundamental part of the culture of the club and we have a dedicated team of safeguarding professionals in place to facilitate this.

      We actively encourage the reporting of any concerns; recognising and supporting the need for fair and proportionate investigations into any allegation of poor practice or abuse.

      Should you need to get in contact with a member of the safeguarding team, please use the contact form button below. Please note, this mailbox will only be monitored during working hours (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday).

      The agencies below are available should you wish to speak with someone external to Crystal Palace FC regarding safeguarding or outside of office hours.

      Please remember to contact the emergency services on 999 if someone is at immediate risk of harm.

      NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

      Surrey FA: 01372 387 090 or

      Local Authority:

      Croydon: 020 726 6400 (for children and adult services)

      Sutton: 020 8770 5000 (for children and adult services)

      Bromley: 020 8461 7373 / 7379 / 7026 (children’s services)

      Bromley: 020 8461 7777 (adult services)

      You can access our safeguarding policy here.

      Signposting to support for adult victims and survivors of childhood abuse

      Adult victims and survivors of childhood abuse within a football context can access information about the support available to them here.

      NSPCC football helpline: 0800 023 2642 operating Monday to Friday 8am to 10pm and Saturday to Sunday 9am to 6pm.

      The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) can also be contacted by calling 0808 801 0331 or by visiting their website here.

      Words from our respective Chairmen

      We are firmly committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all individuals and communities we come into contact with; it is a fundamental part of the culture of the club that we provide a positive experience, particularly for children, young people and adults at risk. I fully endorse our safeguarding policies, expecting all staff to adhere to them and work within best practice guidelines at all times.

      We encourage the reporting of any concerns and support the need for fair and proportionate investigations into any allegation of poor practice.

      We care about the well-being of individuals, and our policies help to ensure everyone has access to the opportunities that Crystal Palace and its Foundation provides. It is the responsibility of everyone who has contact with children and other vulnerable people, to create a positive environment in which they can participate, and to protect them from the risk of harm.

      Steve Parish

      Chairman, Crystal Palace Football Club

      Paul Cleal

      Chair, Palace for Life Foundation

      Contact CPFC safeguarding

      To contact CPFC with a safeguarding query, please either email or use the contact form below.