Why take part?
There are a few reasons why any Palace fan should sign up.
Firstly, it’s to raise money for young people in South London.
The Foundation's tried and tested programmes help improve young people’s mental and physical health, advance their employment prospects, and support them with mental health challenges through mentoring.
We all love South London, but we know it can be tough growing up here. The Foundation's programmes are proven to work, but they need more funds to reach more people. The money you raise by doing the Marathon March helps us do exactly that.
Secondly, it’s good exercise! You don’t need us to tell you walking is great exercise. It’s a long way, but there are food, tea and coffee breaks and you’ll have the support and company of fellow Palace fans’ – many who have done it before and can give you their top tips!
Which leads us on to our third reason: Palace fans walking together.
Last year, 220 people took part. That’s over 200 Palace fans of all different ages, backgrounds and fitness levels. Whilst everyone’s passion for walking might be different, everyone has something in common: Palace. It’s a great chance to meet other fans, chat about your club and the ways that together, you’ll be making south London a better place for young people.
You can find out more about the Foundation's amazing work here.
Still not sure? Hear from Pete, a lifelong Palace fan on how he made the Marathon March a family tradition.